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We asked Team Eames: What ways are you kind to yourself?

  • Publish Date: Posted about 4 years ago
  • Author:by Sheridan Muir

​Mental Health Awareness Week is all about the power and potential of kindness. We know the health benefits behind showing kindness towards others, but what about being kind to ourselves? We asked Team Eames, what ways are you kind to yourself?

  • “Remind myself of my good qualities, treat myself to little gifts and take long walks to clear my mind after a stressful day.”– Jojo Yeung, Hong Kong

  • “I exercise 1 to 3 times per day and will make sure one of these sessions is with my wife and one on my own.”– Daniel Warwick, Singapore

  • “Ensuring I get enough exercise so that I can continue eating what I want.”– Elmer Tan, Singapore

  • “Allowing myself the flexibility to cycle and planning longer rides to physically challenge myself. It’s also a great way to forget about everyday stresses.”– Jamie Card, UK

  • “I will always make time for myself to exercise. I find that exercise helps me when I don’t feel myself or if I feel like things are on top of me.”– Jessica Hartley, UK

  • “Rewarding days of hard graft with hours on the golf course. I use those four hours to take my mind totally off work and focus 100% on something else!”– Mark Thomas, UK

  • “Visiting my parents at least once a month for quality family time.”– Danielle Rainert, UK