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Quick Fire 10 with Sam Crayk

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 4 years ago
  • Author:by Sheridan Muir

"Remember that you’re dealing with people, so make sure you have their best interests at the forefront of what you do."

I had a few questions to ask Sam Crayk, manager, and he shared his advice for someone just getting started in recruitment and what keeps him motivated.

1. How did you get into recruitment?

I fell into it after university, as a lot of people do. A family friend offered to take me on as a trainee and it all started from there.

2. What is your advice for someone just getting into recruitment?

Don’t be nervous about getting on the phone and making mistakes, we all remember our first day and have been where you are! I was terrible when I first started!

3. What is it about recruitment that has kept you in the industry? 

Working with people every day and the fast-paced nature of the role is something I love. There’s also a clear career path and you’re rewarded on the work you put in, which suits me well.

4. What is your proudest moment in your career to date?

Building and mentoring a successful team and qualifying for Saffron 2020 on personal billings

5. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your career so far and how have you overcome that?

The turbulent Insurance market has been challenging. Ensuring I was up to date with changes and keeping close to the market has always allowed me to remain current.

6. What is your number 1 secret to success?

Remember that you’re dealing with people, so make sure you have their best interests at the forefront of what you do. Always offer objective advice, even if it may not be in your favour. It may not work out in the short term, but you have a long term brand to think about.

7. What’s the best career advice you’ve ever been given?

A strong reputation is everything in recruitment and is something earned over time. It’s easily lost so always think about the longer term impact when making decisions.

8. What are you driven by and how do you stay motivated?

My team’s success. It’s great to see people grow in confidence and transition into successful consultants.

9. How do you keep a work/life balance?

I always found this difficult, but I’ve learnt to make sure to put time aside time for myself. If you don’t do this it’s easy to burn out quickly.

10. People would be surprised if they knew?

I was a chef before starting in recruitment!

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