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Quick Fire 10 with Matthew Eames

  • Publish Date: Posted over 3 years ago
  • Author:by Sheridan Muir

“We are a business that invests in and cares about its people. Bring the right attitude to us and we will provide all the support you will need, all the while encouraging you to develop yourself to achieve your potential.

I had a few questions to ask Matthew Eames, founder and CEO, and he shared his advice for someone just getting into recruitment, how he keeps a work/life balance running a global business and the best thing about Eames.

1. How did you get into recruitment?
An old girlfriend was in the industry and this gave me an early insight into recruitment.

2. What is your advice for someone just getting into recruitment?
Do your research. Be clear on the company you are joining and how they will support you through training and coaching, and their vision and reputation. Also, be clear on the sector and discipline you want to work in. It's important to 'love what you do' as this enables you to get more satisfaction from doing it and in turn, I believe, be better at it. Passion is a great enabler to achieving great results.

3. What is it about recruitment that has kept you in the industry?
I love what I do! Fundamentally we have a positive impact on people’s lives. We help people navigate through what can be a daunting time by being highly consultative and help clients achieve their goals by delivering exceptional talent through being deep specialists.

4. What is your proudest moment in your career to date?
Each and every time someone is promoted at Eames.

5. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your career so far and how have you overcome that?
Covid-19. We overcame that by making decisions quickly, being clear on what the short-term needs of the business were and working hard to achieve them, all the time making sure we were looking after our employees. I'm proud and humbled to say, that everyone stepped up to the challenge, and the business performance surpassed my expectations.

6. What’s the best career advice you’ve ever been given?
There is no one thing. I believe it is important to meet a wide variety of people in life as well as business. Over time I've met lots of CEOs of international businesses and entrepreneurs; through meeting people like that, if you listen, you learn a lot.

7. What are you driven by and how do you stay motivated?
The success of the business; building a platform where everyone can be as successful as they want to be and by delivering exceptional results for our clients. We are constantly looking for ways we can improve the business and provide the very best environment for people to develop their careers.

8. How do you keep a work/life balance?
It's hard as I'm sure you can appreciate with a large business, a wife and 3 children. I've certainly got better at it, largely helped by having the right team around me and capable people to delegate to. That’s pretty much the one and only perk of being a CEO! Otherwise, I've always stayed fit and taken time to run, go to the gym, cycle or even wash a car for a few hours helps to decompress and give me time to switch off.

9. What is the best thing about Eames?
Lots of things! We are a business that invests in and cares about its people. Bring the right attitude to us and we will provide all the support you will need, all the while encouraging you to develop yourself to achieve your potential.

10. People would be surprised if they knew?
I learnt to fly when I was 16 years old. You have to be 17 years old to be able to take your test, so after several weeks’ tuition In Florida and a few solo flights, I took my Private Pilots Licence test on my 17th birthday and passed. I then returned the UK and learnt to drive….

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