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​We asked #TeamEames: What are some small ways you can make a positive impact on the environment?

  • Publish Date: Posted about 3 years ago
  • Author:by Sheridan Muir

It’s easy to think that your individual choices don’t impact the environment—after all, what can one person really change? Quite a bit, actually.

Our personal decisions in our everyday life have a bigger impact on the environment more than you may think.

We asked #TeamEames: What are some small ways you can make a positive impact on the environment?​

  • "Working from home has definitely resulted in much less needless printing happening, showing us that we don’t have to rely on physical paperwork anymore. This will have a positive impact on the environment." - Daniel Warwick, Asia

  • "Replacing a drive with a walk or cycle is a great way to reduce your impact on the environment and also allow you to appreciate what is around you and how that can lift your mood and improve your general health. Secondly is to utilise second hand or charity shops where you can. I have two small children and the majority of their toys come from charity shops which helps reduce single-use plastic, packaging and distribution footprint." - Andrew Mackay, UK

  • "Recycling everything when possible and using reusable bags! Also, cutting down on meat is probably the most effective way to help as that’s the biggest contributor to global warming." - Jordan White, UK

  • "Buy a reusable coffee cup. Not only does it make sense from an environmental perspective, but you can also save yourself some money with most coffee shops. Stay away from buying bottled water! I have a few reusable and recyclable bottles at home which I refill throughout the day." - Jim Freeman, UK

  • "Walk or take public transport wherever I can, recycle and use reusable water bottles and coffee cups." - Sophie Daniel, UK

  • "Reduce unnecessary waste by turning off electronic devices when they're not in use, avoid disposable utensils from restaurants (plastic especially). Minimise usage of printing by using electronic copies or try to use recycled paper if printing is required. Donate any used clothes or appliances and use public transport to avoid driving." - Jojo Yeung, Hong Kong

  • "Transport: Especially living in Singapore there is rarely a need to drive, I always walk, cycle or take public transport when I can". - Matthew Jones, Singapore

  • "Unplug devices and appliances and turn off the lights! Recycle when you can and reuse items as much as possible. Try not to buy any single-use plastic and cycle more rather than driving." - Jessica Evans, UK

  • "I’ve recently changed my shampoo and conditioner habits to using bars. It saves on water, lasts the same amount of time as three bottles, and there is no plastic involved!  I also recycle as much as possible and try to reduce buying items that are made or packaged with unnecessary plastic. For instance, buying loose fruit and vegetables rather than packaged items." - Hannah Turner, UK

  • "Looking at the ecological footprint of your food, if it has to take a number of air miles to get you your plate, it will have an increasingly negative impact on the environment. Try and have one vegan day a week to reduce your animal-based protein. Plant proteins have a much lower ecological impact and it’s healthy too." - Abigail Moss, UK

  • "I always make a conscious effort to walk instead of drive wherever possible and recycle as much as I can." - Lauren Seal, UK  

  • "Support sustainable and eco-friendly brands, use a reusable water bottle and walking or riding a bike instead of driving.​" - Natasha Richards, UK

  • "We don’t buy any plastic toys for our daughter!" - Sanjeev Vegad, UK