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​Hannah Turner promoted to senior principal on the Actuarial team in London

  • Publish Date: Posted over 2 years ago
  • Author:by James Rydon

We are delighted to announce the promotion of Hannah Turner to senior principal on the Actuarial team in London.

Hannah joined Eames Consulting in November 2020 as a senior consultant, and this is her second promotion since then.

James Rydon, partner and director shares: “Hannah’s performance has been nothing short of outstanding and she isn’t showing any signs of slowing down.

Over the past year, she has built her reputation as a leading supplier to a number of clients as well as some impressive work building out an analytics function.

Alongside her performance on the desk, Hannah has quickly established herself as a key member of the team. It’s a pleasure to have her in the team and to witness her continued success, a very well-deserved promotion!”