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Quick Fire 10 with Sam Baker

  • Publish Date: Posted over 2 years ago
  • Author:by Sheridan Muir

​​​​​I had a few questions to ask Sam Baker, senior Actuarial consultant in the UK and he shared the proudest moment of his career, the challenges he has faced and his secrets to success.

1. How did you get into recruitment?
Like most people, I fell into it. I studied Economics at uni and knew I didn’t want to go down that path. I wanted a job where I get rewarded for what I put in. My friend who’s in recruitment suggested I give it a go.

2. What is your advice for someone just getting into recruitment?
If you’re unsure about anything, ask. You might think some questions are silly, but we’ve all been there.

3. What is it about recruitment that has kept you in the industry?
Of course, the monetary aspect is great, seeing the reward for putting in the hard work. But the nature of the job being different every day and always encountering a new challenge is interesting. I also really like my market being small and being able to build strong relationships with candidates and clients.

4. What is your proudest moment in your career to date?
I recently brought on a new client which Eames hadn’t worked with before, The client released two roles to me but hired 3 of the candidates, two of which were offered fixed-term contracts of double the initial length. This is one of the first processes felt in complete control throughout.

5. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your career so far and how have you overcome that?
Covid. After 2 months of joining Eames, we were working from home. I had great support, but not being able to simply hear other people in the office on the phones and trying to figure out the role was tough.

6. What is your number 1 secret to success?
Being resilient. I should absolutely celebrate the wins more, but I don’t get too disheartened when things are going badly, especially when it’s out of my control. Move on to what’s next and learn from anything you could have done differently.

7. What’s the best career advice you’ve ever been given?
Your desk is like running your own business. Whilst it’s easy to focus on the current processes and what’s coming in, you need to also be planning for the next month.

8. What are you driven by and how do you stay motivated?
Improvement. Giving myself a target, hitting it, then aiming higher. If I don’t manage to hit my target, then it's about reflecting on how I can next time.

9. How do you keep a work-life balance?
This is something I have struggled with, especially if I’m trying to hit a target I’ve set myself. Although, having a break and coming back refreshed with a clear mindset is so important.

10. Why Eames?
The people. Everyone is always willing to go out of their way to help.