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Quick Fire 10 with Tricia Lee

  • Publish Date: Posted over 2 years ago
  • Author:by Sheridan Muir

​​​​​​​I had a few questions to ask Tricia Lee, associate technology consultant in Singapore and she shared what keeps her driven, advice for someone just getting into recruitment and why she chose to work at Eames.

1. How did you get into recruitment?
Fresh out of college and unsure about what my next path would look like, I went on LinkedIn to browse different job opportunities out there and saw quite a number of roles for technology recruiters. As I started exploring more about technology recruitment, I thought it would be a fun balance of interacting with people as well as learning more about a dynamic and ever-changing industry.

2. What is your advice for someone just getting into recruitment?
You have to put in the work consistently even when it takes a while for the results to translate.

3. What is it about recruitment that has kept you in the industry?
Like everyone says, recruitment is a rollercoaster ride with highs and lows. The excitement of how things can change in an instant and learning how to manage the waves can be thrilling.

4. What is your proudest moment in your career to date?
I worked with a candidate for about 5 months, navigating him through a lengthy process with a few hiccups along the way and recently placed him in a role. He trusted me enough to only have me representing him for roles thus it felt good that I could also deliver on my part.

5. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your career so far and how have you overcome that?
Learning more about the cyber security market and technology risk was definitely overwhelming at first but as time has gone by, I have learned more about the space and feel more confident in helping candidates navigate different options and how certain exposures can value add to their career portfolio.

6. What is your number 1 secret to success?
Follow Up. People are busy and it is easy to miss calls and emails, so it is important to check in.

7. What’s the best career advice you’ve ever been given?
Accept that you are going to make mistakes before you succeed

8. What are you driven by and how do you stay motivated?
Building relationships with people and being able to connect people with great opportunities to help them advance their career goals.

9. How do you keep a work-life balance?
It can be tricky to have a work-life balance while working from home. Whenever I am stressed or feeling a little unmotivated, I will do a quick session on the drums in between calls or learn a new riff on the guitar. My neighbours are definitely big fans of my “tiny-desk” concerts. (Still waiting on my invite from NPR).

10. Why Eames?
The people, the energy and drive everyone at Eames has to want to succeed is infectious. Most importantly, there is a common drive to want to succeed together and you can turn to anyone for help or advice.