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We Asked #TeamEames: How do you prioritise your health & wellbeing?

  • Publish Date: Posted over 2 years ago
  • Author:by Sheridan Muir

It’s World Health Day. Amid a pandemic, a polluted planet, increasing diseases like cancer, asthma, and heart disease, the World Health Organisation encourages us to focus our attention on urgent actions needed to keep humans and the planet healthy.

We Asked #TeamEames: How do you prioritise your health & wellbeing?

  • Chasing a toddler around is a good way of keeping active, but I have recently joined a gym and try to go on WFH days with a friend; having someone rely on you to go makes it more of a commitment. It is my focus for 2022 to increase my activity and lose some hard-earned lockdown lbs, so this and running at lunch when it gets warmer will be key. - Andy Mackay, UK

  • I set health and wellbeing goals and review them from time to time. I enjoy daily meditation to weekly basketball sessions and set out to learn a new sport each year (it's wakeboarding this year). I feel it is important to make deliberate efforts in incorporating these into our calendars, and never to leave health and wellness to chance or convenience! - Kun Liang, Singapore

  • I do a lot of walking as it really helps to clear my head and live in the moment by taking in nature and the environment around me. I also practice mindfulness and read at night to help me switch off from the day. - Lauren Seal, UK

  • I play team sport, for the exercise, competition, camaraderie and to switch-off from the pressures of work and everyday life. My knees are telling me that basketball and cricket are not a good idea any more though, so I try to get out on the bike or the golf course, or for a walk with my family. I’m also paying more attention to my diet, cooking vegetarian meals, reducing carbs, mainly in an effort to counteract the sweets in the office. - Richard Williams, UK

  • I am an organised person but making a new to-do list every evening before I log off allows me to set my next day up and be aware of what is most urgent and what isn’t. This, therefore, allows me to plan my days better and hopefully reduces any added stress or worries. I try to ensure I take short breaks away from my laptop/desk even if this is to make a cup of tea or go for a short walk at lunchtime. - Jessica Evans, UK

  • Make sure I take time away from my desk and get outside in the fresh air, go out for walks and take time away from screens. - Sophie Daniel, UK

  • I go for walks! When I work from home, it’s easy to spend a full 24 hours inside the house, but my housemates and I always try to get each other out for a walk at lunch or in the evening. I also have a ‘goals’ book that I write in every day. - Viveca Riley, UK

  • I prioritise my health and wellbeing with a balanced lifestyle (or at least I try my best to get close to that balance!). Incorporating an exercise routine into my week is a huge priority but treating myself over the weekend to drinks and food are all equally important for me! - Rafaela Fakhre, UK

  • Going to the gym 3 times a week really helps me because I am away from screens, from work and from my family so I can focus on just me and keeping fit. I am a massive foodie, so I believe in the importance of a balanced diet and eating seasonally to get maximum benefits from the vitamins in your fruit and veg. Perhaps because I’m a mum, I am also the advocate of an early night. - Abigail Moss, UK

  • I prioritise my health and wellbeing by eating a balanced diet, staying active and allowing my body to get the necessary sleep and rest it needs. I tend to stay aligned with my future goals and ensure I am working hard everyday day towards them. - Ben Meoded, UK

  • After work hours is largely family time so, me-time (or cave-time!) becomes secondary. I just got a new toy – a smart/sports watch (replacing my older Garmin one) that tracks my sleep and activity, which helps bring consciousness to how we are spending time daily and weekly. Still new to it, but over time you can use the info to better anticipate and structure the weekdays and weekends for health & wellbeing. - Vincent Yao, Singapore

  • Being organised to see what is most important to do helps release my stress. I also make time and space for myself to do things that I like and enjoy. I always take good care of myself with good food and get some exercise done even if I am tired from work to ensure I am staying active. - Jojo Yeung, Hong Kong

  • Exercise has always been big in my life, my diet is often questionable, so exercise keeps me in some kind of balance! - Harry Buttery, Singapore

  • Staying healthy has many benefits. So, I make sure I always put in a workout at least 3 times a week to sweat it out even if it’s for a short 15 mins! - Jasper Ang, Singapore

  • I start my day with my workouts. Just having that routine guarantees me a small win at the start of each day. - Fairuz Abu, Singapore

  • This is a big priority, I do this by eating well, early to bed and try to lay off the alcohol! - Hazel Rowe, Singapore

  • I try to make sure that I stay focused around routine and making sure that I go to the gym frequently and maintain a healthy diet. That’s the biggest thing for me, working out- which keeps my head in the right place. - Emerson Brereton-Davies, UK

  • I have a fitness and self-care routine that I stick to religiously! Over the years I found that exercise and mindfulness recharge me, so I make it a priority regardless of how busy I am. - Abigail Lee, Singapore​