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​Jojo Yeung promoted to regional operations manager – Asia

  • Publish Date: Posted over 2 years ago
  • Author:by Lauren Seal

We are delighted to announce the promotion of Jojo Yeung to regional operations manager – Asia.

Since joining Eames Group nearly 6 years ago, Jojo has been instrumental in leading Operations for the Hong Kong office, and consistently goes above and beyond to support the business. Her remit will now cover both Singapore and Hong Kong, and she will work closely with the leadership team to continue to drive operational efficiencies, globally.

Lauren Seal, partner and head of HR & operations shares: “The projects Jojo has worked on include assisting with the cloud migration project and streamlining the terms of business process for Asia.

Jojo’s work ethic and dedication to the business are unparalleled. She is a pleasure to work with and I look forward to seeing her continued success in her new role.”